airports with PlusBus

You can use a PlusBus ticket to travel by bus to a number of regional airports.

With our ticket prices from £2.50 a day, PlusBus is a great-value way of getting to and from the airport for your holiday.

Especially for those airports that do not have a National Rail station, when you need a bus to make the connection between the nearest rail station and the airport terminal, such as:-

Bournemouth Airport - click for Bournemouth PlusBus

Exeter Airport - click for Exeter PlusBus

Doncaster Sheffield Airport - click for Doncaster PlusBus or Sheffield PlusBus

Leeds Bradford Airport - click for Leeds PlusBus or Bradford PlusBus.


Please check bus times carefully in advance with traveline before setting-out on your journey.

We're sorry but PlusBus cannot be used to travel to/from Edinburgh or Glasgow Airports.
